Enhance Build Security and Reach SLSA Level 3 With GitHub Artifact Attestations

The need for software build security is more pressing than ever. High-profile software supply chain attacks like SolarWinds, MOVEit, 3CX, and Applied Materials have revealed just how vulnerable ...

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The Role of Email Security in Reducing User Risk Amid Rising Threats

Phishing remains one of the most dangerous and persistent cyber threats for individuals and organizations. Modern attacks use a growing arsenal of deceptive techniques that bypass traditional sec...

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Introducing Annotated Logger: A Python Package to Aid in Adding Metadata to Logs

What it is Annotated Logger is a Python package that allows you to decorate functions and classes, which then log when complete and can request a customized logger object, which has additional f...

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Internationalization and Localization: Bringing Cloudflare Radar to a Global Audience

Cloudflare Radar celebrated its fourth birthday in September 2024. As we’ve expanded Radar’s scope over the last four years, the value that it provides as a resource for the global Internet has g...

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Fern Wifi Cracker 报错解决方案

查看无线网卡1airmon-ng重新设置无线网卡12ip link set wlan0 downip link set wlan0 name wlan0mon fern wifi cracker 报错解决方案http://blog.imc.re/archives/91fb.html

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这是一个非常有争议的话题,自 Stellar 诞生之初,就有这个话题相关的讨论,本文将就这个话题展开详细阐述,解答一下 Stellar 为什么与众不同。 博客真的需要图片点击放大功能吗?https://xaoxuu.com/blog/20240208/

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在回访用户的过程中,我发现有不少用户用 wiki 当作专栏来使用,可见专栏确实是一个普遍的需求点,而现有的 wiki 系统并不是专门为此场景设计的,虽然能用,但是不够好用。 我为什么开发了一个专栏功能?https://xaoxuu.com/blog/20240203/

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近期(指一个月前)终于有时间偿还前辈留下的技术债了,下面分享一下经验和心得。 项目警告对构建速度的巨大影响https://xaoxuu.com/blog/20240111/

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关于 ObjC 通知的一个神奇崩溃

近日发现一个用 NSNotificationCenter 发通知时触发的 EXC_BAD_ACCESS 崩溃,表现形式比较奇怪,特此记录一下。 关于 ObjC 通知的一个神奇崩溃https://xaoxuu.com/blog/20240110/

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Gallery 标签组件的使用方法和 Unsplash 高清壁纸分享

水一下文,主要是为了测试一下图库功能,都是高清大图,可以用作壁纸。 Gallery 标签组件的使用方法和 Unsplash 高清壁纸分享https://xaoxuu.com/blog/20231223/

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